Keep yourself informed about residential or commercial landscaping issues.
Commercial Flower Beds in Dallas
After developing a sterling reputation for installing the best irrigation systems available, Petty’s takes great pride in preparing and constructing premier commercial flower beds. We pay careful attention to soil preparation, drainage, and all other environmental...
Garden Resolutions
Petty's own, Sharon St John, visits our friends at Fox 51 for a gardening segment.
Synthetic Turf For Your Home?
Residential and commercial uses for synthetic turf.
Typically, the first thing that comes to mind when you think of herbs is using them to create savory meals, making teas or to help cure ailments such as lowering blood pressure. Herbs play many supporting roles in your garden and you will enjoy the added benefits of...
Cockroaches And The Dangers They Carry
Educating ourselves and others on the dangers of cockroaches.
Financial Benefits of Landscaping
By Sharon St. John - Garden Designer, Artist, Speaker & Writer