Spring Drainage Solutions
Spring Drainage Solutions

We all know that April showers bring May flowers, and that sure has been the case in East Texas the past few weeks. With all of this rain, you might be considering how to achieve better drainage in your yard. Whether you simply want to get rid of soggy areas around your yard or keep your home safe from leaks or foundation issues, there are a variety of drainage solutions to choose from.

While most water run-off can be handled by grading the landscape to allow rain water to flow naturally along the land’s surface, there are some cases in which the landscape does not allow for grading alone to prevent improper drainage. In these scenarios, you may need to install a drainage system: surface drains, french drains, dry creek beds, pumps, and/or permeable pavers might be an ideal solution. Our expert staff can help you determine the best solution for your property.

Before you begin looking into drainage solutions, determine where the water is coming from. Sometimes, landscaping near your home can create a basin for water. The solution to your drainage problem might be as simple as extending or redirecting the downspout of your gutters.

If your drainage problem is not caused by something as simple as an ill-placed downspout, you will need to look into other solutions to help the water drain from the low places in your yard. One solution might be the installation of permeable pavers. These are pavers (stones, blocks, cement, or bricks) that allow water to percolate and filter through the pavement into the soil. Unlike traditional pavers, such as walkways or sidewalks, the water will filter down to the soil instead of pooling on top of the concrete. Permeable pavers look great as sidewalks and patios, as well as around flower gardens. Pavers are a good solution if you just need to redirect a little water.

If you’re dealing with a lot of standing water, you might look into a dry creek bed. A dry creek bed is a trench lined with stones that is designed to direct water downhill. A man-made creek bed works the same way a natural creek would and will keep water from pooling in your yard. Dry creek beds are not only great for reducing standing water, but are aesthetically pleasing. You can line them with a variety of plants and layer different colors, textures, and types of stone to suit your taste.

Petty’s wants to keep you and your property above water this Spring. Contact us today at 800-258-9184 to see how we can assist you in designing a drainage solution that is pleasing to the eye and effective.