Poor Drainage Could Cause Foundation Issues
Poor Drainage Could Cause Foundation Issues

Grey rain clouds dot the forecast for most of East Texas in the coming weeks. While this rain will undoubtedly bring cooler temperatures and lush green lawns, it could also bring potential foundation issues for your home, especially if you have a poor drainage system. If water pools around your home or you see standing water near your home after a heavy rain, you might need to update your drainage system so that you can avoid future foundation problems.

East Texas Drainage Solution

Your home’s foundation is affected by the soil it sits upon. When soil gets wet it can expand and compress, causing anything on it to shift up and down, including your home. Foundation problems often begin when the soil underneath your home moves, causing the house to sink. These foundation problems can be disastrous, leading to expensive home repairs and a decline in home value.

Some common signs of foundation problems are cracks in your walls or bricks, especially near doors, windows, or ceilings, sagging floors, and sticking doors. Other signs include wet soil in the crawl space underneath your home and water seeping into your home around the floor.

To avoid costly foundation problems, it is a good idea to invest in an effective drainage system. Drainage systems give water a path to follow so that it does not pool around your home or lead to flooding. Effective drainage solutions include the installation of gutters, downspout drains, retaining walls, surface drains, french drains, dry creek beds, pump systems, and/or permeable pavers. These solutions allow water to run away from your home rather than into it, eliminating future concerns about foundation issues related to wet soil.

Petty’s Irrigation, Landscape, and Pest Control offers a range of drainage solutions that can help you avoid the need for costly foundation repair, while keeping the aesthetic of your outdoor areas intact. Our expert staff can help you determine the best solution for your property.

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